How to get rid of mold in the foot?

"Towing" the athlete's foot can absolutely any woman, especially regularly visit swimming pool, gym, sauna and other public places, where the conditions for the development and spread of this infection more favourable.

the fungus in the foot

When it is necessary to start the treatment?

Cure fungus – is not easy and is not fast, and the consequences of it, in the absence of an adequate therapy can be not only in the aesthetics problem and the uncomfortable sensations, but also in the pathological impact of the infection throughout the body.

It is important to recognize the fungus in the foot, which expresses itself in these symptoms:

  • dryness, flaking of the skin on the feet;
  • the bad smell of the feet;
  • the appearance on the skin of the bubbles with the content inside and cracks;
  • itching, burning stop.

Discover similar symptoms, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist, who after the examination, and specific studies, will establish an accurate diagnosis and will tell you the fastest way to get rid of skin fungus of the feet.

How to get rid of mold on the feet, toes and between the toes?

The pharmacological treatment of fungus of the skin on the legs provides, as a general rule, antifungal drugs systemic based on these chemicals:

  • fluconazole;
  • terbinafine;
  • griseofulvin;
  • ketoconazole and so on

Course therapeutic long enough, in the most serious cases, can last up to six months. Anti-fungal medications to receive on the inside have a lot of contraindications and side effects, therefore, should only be used under the supervision of a physician. In addition, the doctor may recommend the parallel immunomodulatory receiving, vitamin supplements, liver protectors.

System combined with local therapy antifungal treatment that involves the application of several tools in the form of ointment, cream, gel, solution, etc.

Only in the case of easy injury of the skin, or in the presence of contraindications to the system drug treatment can be limited by using only external funds.

In the treatment of the fungus in the feet is necessary to get rid of all the things that have been used before and can be infected: socks, tights, shoes, bath rugs, the brush for the feet, and so on, In a pinch, it is necessary to disinfect the long boiling, or chlorine means. In order not to infect the members of the family, it is worth the enjoy of the individual towels, not to walk home barefoot.

how to treat foot fungus

How to get rid of mold in the foot of the traditional methods?

In the treatment of the fungus on the legs, you can try the traditional methods. However, the recipes of folk medicine as independent methods of therapy may be effective only in mild defeat of the skin of the feet at an early stage. In other cases, it can be used only as a complement to the basic therapy. Consider the most common popular methods from foot fungus.

By fungus in the feet will help you eliminate the garlic which should be crushed was pasty and applying it to the direction of the city as the night, covering with plastic wrap and put on socks.

Recipe for foot bath from the fungus


  • tar soap – 50 g;
  • water – 3 l.

The preparation and application

Heat the water up to 40-50 ° C, add the baking soda and tar soap, and is split on a grater. Mix thoroughly. The procedure spend not less than 20 minutes, after that wipe the foot dry and apply a local antifungal agent, or to treat it with apple cider vinegar.

Another popular antifungal is fresh juice of celandine. Need to lubricate the skin of the legs in the direction at various times of the day.